Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Trial

I know people are getting mixed information on the trial that we have been attending regarding Stevens accident. I want to just set the record straight. There are many questions and many assumptions people have. I don't often feel the need to explain myself or let people into this dark part of our lives, but when it is effecting those I love, I want to clear the air.

This is it.

The woman that made a left hand turn in front of Steven was charged, by the people from the State of California, with vehicular manslaughter. The definition of vehicular manslaughter is, "vehicular manslaughter n. the crime of causing the death of a human being due to illegal driving of an automobile, including gross negligence, drunk driving, reckless driving, or speeding." Notice I highlighted the word "negligence". This was the basis of the entire trial. That she was found negligent. 

Understand as well, these charges were not filed by me or our family. These charges were filed by the State of California. These charges would have been filed and the trial would have gone on with or without us. According to the police report, she was found 100% at fault. The law states that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, hence the reason for the trial. 

In the end, she was found guilty by a jury of 12. She was found to have been negligent and not paying attention to the road and on coming traffic and made a left turn on a solid green in front of Stevens motorcycle, failing to yield to oncoming traffic. End of story. 

The boys and I did not profit in any way from this trial and outcome. Stevens family, my family and myself were there to represent Steven when he couldn't be. Did we have to be there? No. Did we want to be there? No. But for Steven, we were there. Was it worth it? Yes. The district attorney on this case deserves all the credit for fighting for and speaking for Steven when he had no voice. The district attorney proved Stevens innocence to a jury and they all agreed, he was not at fault and he did nothing wrong. None of us took the stand, none of us got to speak, we sat in the courtroom and listened, cried and supported the district attorney, all for something we strongly believe in, Stevens innocence and to see that consequences were paid for her actions. 

In the end, Steven was found innocent. Steven is a victim. A victim of negligence from someone else behind the wheel of a car. We are all drained of emotion, exhausted, and looking to heal again. 

Sentencing will be next month. The maximum punishment is 1 year in jail. Do I think she will get this? Probably not as our jails are overflowing. I do not have an opinion on what punishment she should get. 

Also, understand that I do not hate the woman that turned in front of Steven. I do not wish bad things upon her. She made a huge mistake. Yes, it was a mistake that killed my husband. But I know that this is something she has to live with. My position is awful, but hers must be awful as well.

Please, if you have questions, I am never hesitant to discuss this. Discussing this is part of our healing process.